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St John the Baptist Primary School, Belfast


I want to welcome you all to Primary 3JC. 

I haope you all had a fantastic summer!

A big CONGRATULATIONS to all the families for the way in which the children started back to school. It was lovely to see them dressed wonderfully in their new school uniforms. What a credit to you, and a great showcase for our school community!

Our topics this year will be: HOUSES AND HOMES, ANIMALS, WINTER, BREAD & PIRATES.

Our  P.E. day is Tuesday.

As we are a healthy eating school all pupils are required to bring in a healthy break and lunch. NO NUTS 🥜 as several pupils have nut allergies in our class. 

We finish at 2:30pm from Monday to Thursday and 1:30pm on a Friday.

This is a very important year for our P.3 children as they will be making their First Confession. We will let you know this date when it is confirmed later in the year.



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