We are excited to have you back in school. We're also delighted to welcome Cahir to our class. We know he will have the best of times in SJB!
We are so proud of all the hard work you’ve done so far, and are looking forward to sharing an amazing final year in SJB with you!
It is important that we all look after our health and wellbeing and we're looking forward to our meditation sessions again.
Our Literacy focus this half term is Recount writing with an additional focus on comprehension skills as well as some quality time spent exploring poetry together.
Our Numeracy focus will be use of strategies such as drawing it out and working backwards.
We have incredible topics to explore this year
Famine in Ireland
The Victorians & Inventions
Natural Disasters
The P7 Show!
We will also be celebrating your Confirmation, resuming swimming lessons, visiting Palace Stables for a Victorian adventure and Armagh Planetarium as part of our Space topic and of course enjoying our fantastic, residential trip to Delamont. I can't wait.
Our class start time is: 8:55 am.
You will enter the school by the main gate. Gate will open at 8:45 am. You come straight to our classroom by the canteen entrance.
We finish at 3:00 pm from Monday to Thursday and 1.30 pm on Friday.
Our Transfer Club ( my 'Early Birds' ) takes place on Wednesdays & Fridays from 8:10am. Please make sure you attend.
School Bags & Homework
It is important that you come to school each day prepared. Pack your bag carefully the night before.
You can bring your own pencils, rubber, sharpener, coloured pencils, glue stick and tissues. You will definitely need coloured pens and highlighters.
Remember your water bottle, packed lunch (if required), and healthy break (a piece of fruit or sandwich).
**Do not bring any food containing nuts as some boys and girls have nut allergies.
P.E. day is Thursday
On P.E. day you will come to school wearing navy tracksuit bottoms, a white polo t-shirt, a school jumper and trainers.
When we resume swimming lessons, you will need a bag with a towel, swim gear and flip-flops/crocs for hygiene reasons. Swimming cap/goggles may also be brought if you wish.
This is a very special year and I am looking forward to sharing the wonderful things we have planned for you!
Class Teacher - Ms Anne Bell
Classroom Assistants - Mrs E Ferris, Mrs D McCann, Miss S McCann
Latest Photographs

St John the Baptist Primary School, Finaghy Rd North, Belfast, Antrim BT11 9EH Phone: 028 9061 4546